A Primer on Spiralizers

Why Spiralizers


Recipes You Can Make With A Spiralizer

There are many types of dishes you can make with a spiralizer. So many that you will not likely miss traditional pasta at all. Here are just some examples:

  • Vegetable soups
  • Curly fries
  • Potato twists
  • Gourmet salads
  • Vegetable pastas, noodles & spaghetti, with your favourite sauces and herbs
  • Apple chips
  • Onion rings
  • Coleslaw
  • Incredible garnishes

Endless food ideas

10 Reasons You Need a Spiralizer

  • Spiralizing helps promote low calorie intake and weight loss. The health benefit of spiralizing cannot be overstated. Based on a 4-cup serving, zucchini pasta has just 60 calories and 8 grams of carbs, compared to 800 calories and 160 grams of carbs for normal pasta.
  • Love pasta but have a problem with wheat or with carbs? You’ll be able to eat big bowls of vegetable pasta guilt-free!
  • Spiralizing is quicker and easier than making traditional pasta
  • Spiralizing helps reduce your carbon footprint
  • You get to eat your favorite foods, while still eating healthy!
  • Make different shapes of veggie noodles to suit your preferences! A spiralizer makes vegetable prep much less tedious, and eating vegetables more interesting again
  • It’s family friendly – kids watch veggies magically turn into noodles!
  • Do you have kids that don’t like eating veggies? Spiralizers provide a sneaky way for you to get your kids to eat more veggies
  • Saves cooking time and requires minimal expertise. Even if you are not good with mandoline slicers and knives, you can now prepare a professional meal in no time.
  • Retention of maximum nutrition value: You no longer need to cook your vegetables for extended periods of time, which helps in saving the nutritional value of your mix of vegetables – easier than ever. Add different vegetables together and try different combinations and techniques to implore challenging eaters such as young children, teens and elderly

If you are looking for a spiralizer, consider investing in a good spiralizer such as the Brieftons 5-Blade Spiralizer (Model: BR-5B-02). You will not regret it!